When Did World War III Begin?

Whether we like it or not, a third world war has begun, and it is being fought for all the same reasons that previous world wars have been fought. The question is…

When did World War III begin?

Remember that wars are started by people who want something and consider mass murder to be an acceptable way of getting it. If the world did not have leaders willing to engage in mass murder, there would be no wars.

However, God has turned our evil towards His purposes. God used World War I and World War II.

How is God using World War III?

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storm warning

System Crash

Your life depends upon a system more complex than any other, in human history. It is an astonishing feat of human ingenuity. This truly massive machine was built over the course of just two centuries – a ‘machine’ that eight billion people depend upon for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, we now get to watch it die.

It will be the biggest system crash in human history, and every English speaker has a front row seat for the greatest implosion ever seen. And, very few seem to understand any of this.

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Putin’s Great Energy Heist

I finished writing When Gog Comes two weeks before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. In that book, I asked:

What happens when a strong nation needs what a weak nation has?

Ukraine looked weak, and they had what Putin wanted. So, he chose to invade.

What was it that Ukraine had, that Putin wanted?

The second largest natural gas reserves in Europe. The sixth largest coal reserves in the world. Plenty of oil.

Russia wants what Ukraine has, so they went to war to get it. Unfortunately, this will not be the last energy war.

The ride of the Red Horse, was never going to be very fun.

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Violence and Famine

Three weeks ago, Putin turned the world upside down. That decision was made months ago, and we are beginning to see the outline of what’s coming. And, the poor will suffer terribly.

Those countries who import food will be hurt the most. And, our first sign of trouble will be violence in the streets. Those who can’t feed their kids, will tear their governments apart. But, it doesn’t end with food.

The global financial system will break. The dollar’s power will collapse – along with American hegemony. And, I’m not sure that Ukraine is going to win this war.

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The Madness Pivot of History

History pivots. Pressures build, pulling civilization in one direction until someone makes a decision that forces us onto a different path. Our path to where we are now, is made up of these pivot points. And, we are going through one right now.

We knew that a pivot was coming. Something was bound to happen that would change our path into the future, and we knew that it was going to be bad. We just didn’t know that it would be this.

This is all a part of our rendezvous with prophecy. God said that it would happen. And, it will. But, there’s madness involved.

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