The Christian Porn Addict – Pornography Part 4

Of all the issues about pornography, this one is the worst:

Christians consuming porn.

The Bible calls it fornication. Jesus took it a step further and said that it was adultery. And, our churches are full of adultery and fornication. In fact, we are so full of wickedness and evil that we are indistinguishable from non-Christians.

I am heartbroken over this. We have corrupted ourselves horribly, and God’s Wrath MUST come upon us because He is just. If you think otherwise, you haven’t been reading your Bible.

And yes, you need to be reading your Bible.

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The Porn-ified Brain – Pornography Part 3

Let’s dig deeper into what pornography does to the brain. I gave you my own experience with pornography. So, let’s look at some science and statistics that tell us about what happens to a brain that is being assaulted by pornography.

And yes, it is an assault.

Those who have been caught by pornography, are being assaulted and abused. Their minds. Their brains. Their relationships. Their sense of reality. It’s all being abused by this foul creature that we call pornography.

Worse, far worse, your spiritual life and your destiny in heaven is under assault.

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This is Your Brain on Pornography – Pornography Part 2

I mourn for my country.

We have not only destroyed ourselves, but we’ve also destroyed our ability to escape the destruction that we have invited upon ourselves. Even though we recognize the problem, there is no chance for us to actually turn our society back to what it once was.

I’m afraid that only through our fall, will there be any hope. And, I believe that the biggest reason for our fall is pornography. It’s not the first reason. It’s not the reason that opened the door to our destruction. But, it’s still the biggest reason…

…because it touches everyone.

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God LOVES His Children

As the evil goes from victory to victory in these dark days, it is easy to forget that God had not changed, and that He still loves us as much now, as He did when He sent His Son to die for us. And, the idea that the Creator would come to Earth to die for us, to give us eternal life…

I can barely comprehend such a love as that.

And, He STILL loves us with that kind of passion. Still. Right now. No matter what is going on around you, and in your life.

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We Forgot that God is JUST

One of the most pernicious movements to sweep the church is this idea that God is a kindly old man who wouldn’t hurt a fly and is willing and ready to overlook any and all sin. Along with it came an easy-believism and permission to ‘follow your heart’.

Truth was optional, and the Old Testament didn’t reflect God, anymore.

What we forgot in the process was that God doesn’t change. Ever. We forgot that the sins that made Him angry four thousand years ago, make Him angry today.

We forgot that God is JUST.

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