Threats Increase – Gog Rises

Chinese stock markets and inevitable defaults in Greece, Puerto Rico and Ukraine. Deadly drought in California and Central America. The death of the Pacific Ocean. The rise of ISIS. Empty Iranian promises. The explosion of hatred and ignorance. The arrival of Jade Helm 15. All of that swept across my desk this week. In fact, the only bright spot was Russia – and THAT sent a shiver through me, because the coming of Gog and Magog lies just over the horizon. Never – in over four thousand years – have we seen so many threats, all at once. And, the … Click here to read the rest…

The Beginning of the End – An Anniversary

Does anyone doubt that we are in the Last Days? If you suffer from such a doubt, read on. But, let me warn you: You will NOT like what you see. God chose us to live at this pivotal moment in time. He needed representatives to show His people the way to eternal safety, in the days of suffering that lie ahead. We were chosen for this. You and me. We just had the anniversary of the beginning of the days that we live in, and we need to remember it, every year. Why? Because it means that we are … Click here to read the rest…