When Did World War III Begin?

Whether we like it or not, a third world war has begun, and it is being fought for all the same reasons that previous world wars have been fought. The question is…

When did World War III begin?

Remember that wars are started by people who want something and consider mass murder to be an acceptable way of getting it. If the world did not have leaders willing to engage in mass murder, there would be no wars.

However, God has turned our evil towards His purposes. God used World War I and World War II.

How is God using World War III?

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Iran Must be Stopped

Every generation seems to have its version of the World War II leader of Nazi Germany.

What would have happened to the world if Adolf Hitler had succeeded in building a nuclear weapon?

What would have happened if he had built several of them, before launching World War II?

Unfortunately, a worse-than-Hitler has arrived, and they have learned from Hitler’s mistakes. Worse, they are fueled by a passion that sees death as a mere inconvenience. And, they have genocide on their minds.

Would you allow people like that to have nuclear weapons?

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Why World War III – The Fundamentals

Anyone with a background in finance and investment should have a solid understanding of expectations. No one invests the valuable proceeds of their labor into something that is going to lose value. And, no sane person will engage in a risky investment with no hope of profit. And, it is this psychology of ‘expectation’ that drives the economy and our financial system.

But, what happens when expectations die?

Lots of things die – hopes, dreams, power …and people.

Believe it or not, but this directly relates to The Most Terrifying Video in the World, that I told you about yesterday – because the collapse of financial expectations always leads to war.

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