When Did World War III Begin?

Whether we like it or not, a third world war has begun, and it is being fought for all the same reasons that previous world wars have been fought. The question is…

When did World War III begin?

Remember that wars are started by people who want something and consider mass murder to be an acceptable way of getting it. If the world did not have leaders willing to engage in mass murder, there would be no wars.

However, God has turned our evil towards His purposes. God used World War I and World War II.

How is God using World War III?

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The US Cannot Win a War with Iran

Iran’s nuclear weapons program must be stopped. There can be no question about this. And, neutralizing Iran’s nuclear capacity will lead to war.

Unfortunately, the mountains of Iran make an invasion impossible. In fact, Iran has never been conquered except when she was weak, and right now… she is NOT weak. Hopefully, the US military understands this.

The question is… what will Donald Trump and America’s allies do?

No one can be completely sure, but you can bet that some attempt will be made to fight a limited conflict. However, it’s doubtful that this conflict will STAY limited. And, the resulting cataclysm will be straight out of prophecy.

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Iran Must be Stopped

Every generation seems to have its version of the World War II leader of Nazi Germany.

What would have happened to the world if Adolf Hitler had succeeded in building a nuclear weapon?

What would have happened if he had built several of them, before launching World War II?

Unfortunately, a worse-than-Hitler has arrived, and they have learned from Hitler’s mistakes. Worse, they are fueled by a passion that sees death as a mere inconvenience. And, they have genocide on their minds.

Would you allow people like that to have nuclear weapons?

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Orders from Riyadh – Part 1 – The Birth of the Petrodollar System

After I thought my way through yesterday’s article, things have become a bit clearer. And, this has allowed me to understand the morning news a little better. As I said yesterday, if the petrodollar system falls, the American Empire falls. This means that whoever controls petroleum, controls the American Empire. We invaded Iraq twice to preserve the petrodollar. We’ve been training and arming jihadis in Syria to preserve the petrodollar. And, we seem awfully reluctant to do ANYTHING to ISIS because of the petrodollar. Oh, and we’ll have a nuclear war because of the petrodollar. I almost forgot about that … Click here to read the rest…