The Most Terrifying Video in the World

Yesterday, a friend and I were talking about pandemics and the stories that many have cooked up to send delicious shivers through their audiences. Part of our discussion was inspired by the threat of Ebola, and part by… well …apocalypse.

Anyone with half a brain knows that Death stalks the world. Pandemic Ebola has begun to reach into the big cities of Africa. And, with my series on the War of 2015, you know that devastating war is very, very near.

So, when my friend told me what he considers to be the most terrifying video in the world, my own most-terrifying-video immediately popped into my head.

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Orders from Riyadh – Part 2 – Petrodollar Slavery

The impact of the petrodollar system is so utterly fantastic, that it’s hard to fit it all together in a way that makes sense. This is part of the reason why I’ve spent so much time on this subject. The other part of the problem is that I, myself, have been working my way through this puzzle, and writing about it has helped me see new aspects. You might say that I write these articles to wrestle with difficult ideas. And, the petrodollar is one of the most important ideas that I’ve run into. So, let’s go wrestle with the … Click here to read the rest…