Earthquake in the Middle East

I want to pack in a few more cheeseburgers before a financial Armageddon descends upon us, so I was relieved when Greece surrendered to Europe and when China put a draconian halt to financial losses in the Chinese stock market. I feel sorry for the Greeks and the Chinese, but I like my cheeseburgers.

Unfortunately, something happened this week that has dampened my appetite and catastrophically reorganized a region that I like to call home:

The Middle East

Obama’s surrender to Iran has unleashed the dogs of war. This geopolitical earthquake will change the face of the Middle East forever. And, it has brought us a huge leap closer to Ezekiel’s Fire.

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Syrian Civil War – Proxy War and Islamic Apocalypse

What’s going on in Syria is horrifying. There can be no other way of describing this. Two groups of people have deeply committed themselves to destroying each other, and caught in between are Christians and the most ancient, continuously inhabited city on Earth – Damascus. It is a tragedy of vast proportion with no other possible end – except utter destruction. It has already killed more than 140 thousand people and displaced massive numbers of men, women and children. When it’s all over, millions will have died, the most ancient city on Earth will have been destroyed, the Middle East … Click here to read the rest…