Jerusalem is THE KEY

I was reading The Book of Ezra this morning, and it reminded me of something that I’ve been neglecting: THE KEY. For some reason that I do not understand, the events of the Bible revolve around a tiny patch of ground called Jerusalem. And yes, I do mean tiny. Jerusalem is almost exactly one square kilometer in size – one kilometer on each side. That’s 247 acres. The average farm in America is 418 acres (as of 2009). Did you get that? The average farm in the United States is larger than the area that the ancient city of Jerusalem … Click here to read the rest…

God Loves the Land of Israel

And, I have no idea why. Why is it that God loves such a tiny place on the map? Why does He choose THAT place above all others? Now, some of you read your Bible and would probably point to the one place in the Land of Israel that God loves most of all. Jerusalem. But, that doesn’t make sense, either. It’s not the tallest hill in Israel. In fact, it’s surrounded by hills that are more than 50 meters taller. It’s not the prettiest hill. It’s not the greenest. In fact, there’s nothing that you can point to that … Click here to read the rest…