JFK ‘Secret Societies Speech’ – I Was Wrong

Lies twist and destroy lives. They lead to decisions that end in war and death. They corrupt the ability to think. They obscure truth that should be clear. They oppress the innocent. They protect the guilty.

They are the tool of evil.

Yet, we have among us, those who claim to seek truth, yet use convenient lies to promote their agenda. And, many of us have been caught by these lies and passed them on as if they were truth.

I have recently discovered that I am one of those who were caught.

And, if you believed what I said…

…you are too.

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The Murder of Seattle – CIA Empire Part 1

Cities around the world are being murdered. Killed. Countries, societies, cultures… decimated. And, we have established that the prime mover in this genocide is the CIA. And, we have a perfect example of this in an exceptional video created by Eric Johnson of KOMO News:

Seattle is Dying

The problem is that the title is somewhat inaccurate. Seattle isn’t just dying. It’s being murdered. By heroin. Yes, stupidity and bad government are aiding and abetting the murder of Seattle. But, it doesn’t change the fact that this is murder, plain and simple.

And, the murderer?

The CIA.

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