Did You Have Faith in Politics?

Now that Joe Biden is President of the United States, I still find myself bemused by how much faith Christians have in politics.

How is it possible for us to claim Christ as our savior…

…while idolizing a president and a political process?

I understand why non-Christians would put so much faith in politics. They don’t have anything else to put faith in. But not Christians. Christians should know exactly Who to put their faith in.

So, why are we demonstrating to the world, that we don’t think that God is in control?

Seriously, that’s what Christians are saying, when they seek the overthrow of a political process, or go into despair when they can’t. So, maybe this is a good opportunity to contemplate our faith.

Also, in this piece, I talk about False Prophets of Profit, the QHoax and your security.

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The Weekend Shock Letter for May 30th, 2020

It has been a turbulent week. More evidence is coming out that I was right about the Wuhan Coronavirus, but being right isn’t making me happy. A shell-shocked economy continues to decline. Social distancing is looking like a new mantra for aspiring socialists. Free speech is ending. Riots have broken out over the police killing of George Floyd, and the riots look bad. Obamagate seems to be turning more serious, and the Democrats STILL want to steal the 2020 election.

And, last but not least, I finished my first installment of my next series:

Where We Go From Here, Part 1: The Crisis of Financial Confidence

It’s going to be a bumpy ride, kids.

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Why Our System Must Die – And Why The Elites Must Perish Also

Our system will die, and it’s dying right now. It will take a few years, but the entire globalist scheme will collapse. And, the elites will perish right along with their institutions. All the conspiracies that spawned our current New World Order will fail and die.

How do we know this?

Because Revelation 13 describes our system as having been wounded unto death. This means that all the machinations that we are seeing the Elites engage in, right now, will fail. Their conspiracies will fail. Their power will fail. Their wealth will fail. And, the Antichrist will not rise until AFTER IT FAILS.

And, we need to remember that.

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The End of a Nation

We are so broken that, as I sit here, I’m not sure where to begin. We have Nazis murdering Jews, in the worst antisemitic atrocity in the history of America. Our children are fleeing Christ in record numbers. We face the prospect of having to vote for someone evil in the elections, because someone MORE evil is the alternative. And then, the one person who sees the future the most clearly said that this month marks the beginning of something major – and not in a good way.

When Martin Armstrong says ‘Buckle Up!’, it might be time to head for the hills.

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A Superheated Society

The developed world teeters on the brink of explosion, and the average member of our great societies, doesn’t not have a clue. They lack the knowledge to know how precarious their existence is. Even those of us who DO see the warning signs, see so many of them that we aren’t sure which is the one that will finally cause the explosion.

One good analogy is superheated water. It stays calm, even under more and more heat, only because you have added more and more pressure. Eventually, the pressure becomes too great (or not great enough), and there’s an explosion.

One day, our superheated society will have a superheated explosion.

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